I have known this bride-to-be for as long as I can remember! Amy and I grew up together and I can still remember the two of us and our sisters dressing up for "modeling" shots...at quite a rough stage of life-when hiding from the camera may have been a better idea! ;) haha! Well, no more hiding! Amy-you are
absolutely gorgeous and have found a
wonderful man to spend forever with! Patrick-I LOVE that you LOVE taking pictures!!! You two are an
adorably perfect couple and watching you interact together was truly amazing!!! I had so much fun laughing with you both-thank you for letting me take some wonderful pics! Enjoy this sneak peek...I couldn't choose...so it is a bit long!!! :)
LOOK at their shoes...1st picture...
knew it was going to be a great time!

One of my personal favorites...


You two are seriously a
gorgeous couple!!!

Amy-you know I love this next one! ;)

Another personal favorite!!!


Patrick was super excited about the red barn!
These next few were taken in the rain...what great sports! :)

I mean seriously...can it get any better?!?! Another fav! :)

Amy & Patrick...you guys were GREAT!!!
I would seriously photograph you two all day, every day!!!! XOXO!!!